Thank you Venuescanner for voting us one of the top venues in Birmingham! Who are Venuescanner?

Venuescanner is a venue finding service helping you to find the right venue at the best price.
Whilst they bring together traditional venues for users to choose from, they also provide the platform for people to share those ideal undiscovered and under-utilised spaces. Spaces in which they want to make the market both wider and more inspiring, helping to foster creativity and enabling people to capture the value in their unique spaces.

Each month they choose their favourite venues and this month they chose the Priory Rooms.
Easily accessed from mainline railway stations or the Midlands Metro, the Priory Rooms provides the perfect setting for your next conference event.

Fully equipped with AV facilities and offering a range of delegate and catering packages, the Priory Rooms has a lot to offer when it comes to hosting large-scale events such as conferences.